Topic: Business-ul computerelor -munca unor oameni care au abandonat scoala
Business-ul computerelor e exclusiv munca unor oameni care au abandonat scoala.
Bill Ggate spune ca toti ar trebui trimisi la liceu, el insusi a abandonat facultatea, partenerul sau Ben Allen e tot un abandonat, Steve Jobs a abandonat Reed college, partenerul sau Steve Wozniak e un abandonat si el, Michall Dell e un abandonat, Larry Ellison de la Oracle e un abandonat.
-La fel ,toti care au facut fast-food sau francize fast-food au abandonat sau scoala elementara, sau liceul sau universitatea.
La fel e in industria Hollywood.
Bill Gate a inventat Windows ?
Altii au studiat cu totul altceva
De exemplu, CEO-ul Google, Sundar Pichai, a studiat Inginerie Metalurgica, iar acum este conducatorul celui mai mare motor de cautare din industria IT.
Bill Gates nu a luat facultatea in serios. Si-a petrecut timpul umbland pe la calculatoarele din facultate. Acesta a recunoscut ca nu prea frecventa cursurile si ca obisnuia sa mearga la cele la care nu era inscris.
Mark Zuckerberg - CEO Facebook: Harvard, Psihologie si Stiinta IT (a renuntat la studii)
Liderul actual al celor de la Apple a studiat la doua facultati in cadrul carora a urmat specializari de management antreprenorial si de inginerie industriala. … ucces-1355
Multi inventatori au fost ridiculizati la vremea lor, umiliti sau considerati nebuni
-lista acestor inventatori fara scoala ar arata faptul ca o minte e mai creativa atunci cand nu e plina de cunostinte. Prea multe cunostinte nu lasa mintea sa viseze, franata fiind de tot felul de informatii pe care o paradigma le poate contine fara a fi neaparat verificate, sau mai rau, presupuse false sau inexistente din start .
Daca ne gandim la Einstein, el pare ca nu a avut incredere in ce a fost invatat la scoala, caci in teoria sa a abandonat tot ce a invatat pana atunci in mecanica clasica, construind o alta fizica de fapt. … egree.html
Iata o lista de mari inventatori care nu au urmat cursuri universitare
Famous Scientists Throughout History Who Never Had a Science Degree
amateur scientist, basement scientist, citizen scientist,, garage scientist, hobby scientist, kid scientist, non-degreed scientist, self-educated scientist, self- not be taken seriously because you have no "credentials" in science;
here is a page of research listing recognized scientists who never had a formal degree in science .
Leonardo da Vinci . . . (1452 – 1519), mathematician, engineer, anatomist, geologist, botanist, inventor, artist.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek . . . (1632 – 1723), first microbiologist, the "Father of Microbiology."
Benjamin Franklin . . . (1706 – 1790), physicist, inventor, "America's First Scientist."
William Herschel . . . (1738 – 1822), astronomer, discoverer of the planet Uranus.
Caroline Herschel . . . (1750 – 1848), astronomer, younger sister of William Herschel above, named by the Royal Society one of "the ten women in British history who have had the most influence on science."
Mary Somerville . . . (1780 – 1872), mathematician, astronomer, science writer, named by the Royal Society one of "the ten women in British history who have had the most influence on science,"
Michael Faraday . . . (1791 – 1867), physicist, chemist, electromagnetism pioneer, coined 'electrode', 'cathode' and 'ion.'
Mary Anning . . . (1799 – 1847), palaeontologist, fossilist, named by the Royal Society one of "the ten women in British history who have had the most influence on science."
Charles Goodyear . . . (1800 – 1860), chemist, discoverer of the process of vulcanizing rubber.
William Darwin Fox . . . (1805 – 1880), naturalist, entomologist (insect researcher).
Charles Darwin . . . (1809 – 1882), naturalist, evolutionary theorist, geologist.
William Fox . . . (1813 – 1881), palaeontologist (no relation to the William Darwin Fox above).
Henry David Thoreau . . . (1817 – 1862), naturalist. Also a famous author.
Thomas Henry Huxley (T.H. Huxley) . . . (1825 – 1895), biologist, anatomist, coined the term "agnostic."
James Prescott Joule . . . (1818 – 1889), physicist, co-discoverer of the law of conservation of energy.
Gregor Mendel . . . (1822 – 1884), botanist, naturalist, first geneticist, the "Father of Modern Genetics."
Thomas Edison . . . (1847 – 1931), inventor, holder of electrical, mechanical, and chemical patents, the "Greatest Inventor of All Time."
both his New Jersey and Florida workplaces are referred to as "laboratories" and in 2014, the American Chemical Society, of which Edison was a member, designated his laboratories in New Jersey and Florida "National Historic Chemical Landmarks" because of his research and use of existing and new chemicals in his inventions and his efforts to find a new plant source for rubber.
Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin (I.V. Michurin) . . . (1855 – 1935), horticulturalist, botanical geneticist.
Reginald Hooley . . . (1865 – 1923), paleontologist, fossilist.
Henrietta Swan Leavitt . . . (1868 – 1921), astronomer.
Vladimir Nabokov . . . (1899 – 1977), entomologist (insect researcher), lepidopterist (butterfly researcher), butterfly evolutionary theorist, curator of lepidoptera at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. Also a famous novelist.
So You Never Published a Research Paper in a Scientific Journal?
Neither did three of the most famous tech billionaires (pictured below) before founding their companies that would go on to change the world. If a detractor tries to use the "no scientific papers published" tactic in an attempt to discredit you, mention this tweet in your defense.
@James_A_Conrad, February 14, 2020. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, & Mark Zuckerberg never published a scholarly paper on computer science before founding their companies; instead focused on research & development. Gates published one paper 4 years after founding Microsoft & leaving Harvard. Gates:1, Jobs:0, Zuckerberg:0. … -time.html
Galileo respins pt ca gandea diferit, tratat ca nebun
Doc Brown : umilit, ridiculizat, ignorat sau condus spre nebunie
Gregor Mendel
Pionierul geneticii,
... though astute readers are probably wondering why that technique is called a Punnett square if it predicts patterns Mendel discovered. What you probably didn't know was that before making his revolutionary discovery, Gregor Mendel flunked his ass out of school and resigned himself to a quiet life as the abbot of a monastery. It had an extensive experimental garden and there Mendel patiently spent the next seven years of his life breeding and cross-breeding peas.
He also hosted a ton of cocaine orgies, but who wants to hear about that?
Mendel's work was read by about zero people, even after he took it upon himself to contact the highest minds of his time by personally sending them copies of his theory.
De ce l-au ignorat? Pt ca cele mai mari minti ale timpului nu il intelegeau. Doar 16 ani dupa moartea lui 3 botanisti au analizat lucrarile si au inceput genetica.
Ignaz Semmelweis
Semmelweis : Back in 1847, Semmelweis found himself in charge of two maternity clinics. The first clinic was a teaching school, with medical students learning birthing, autopsying and everything in between. The second clinic was intended for women who couldn't afford health care and was serviced by midwives, not actual doctors or students.
Women literally had a better chance of surviving a birth on the street than in the first clinic. After an exhaustive study, Semmelweis figured out that medical students were smothered in disease cooties from cadavers, and that maybe, just maybe, they should wash their hands in between the autopsy room and the birthing rooms.
He insisted students perform a simple chlorine wash after handling dead guys and immediately got the death rate down to one to two percent.
First dementia, then a beatdown at an insane asylum, then death, by virtually the same disease he had eradicated in his own hospital.
no one understood what hand-washing had to do with keeping people alive. Some doctors were actually insulted that he was accusing Viennese medical students being dirty enough to kill people.
Within 14 years of his groundbreaking discovery, Semmelweis just stopped giving a fuck. He got drunk all the time and called all his detractors "ignoramuses" and "murderers." He started chilling with prostitutes and lashing out at family. That last part proved to be a bad move, because in 1865 they had him committed to an insane asylum, where he was promptly beat up and stuck in a dark cellar. He died two weeks later. It took another 20 years and Louis Pasteur's germ theory for the rest of the world to come around to the concept of washing your hands to keep from getting sick.
George Zweig
Two, he was working at a particle research center in Geneva, and his paper on quarks, which he called "aces," didn't meet its standards (even though he had come up with a much cooler name for the particle). And three, an older scientist from his grad school proposed the exact same theory at the exact same time and because of his stature was able to publish that exact same theory with the exact same publication that rejected Zweig's.
At first, both men were called crazy for their insane notions of invisible particles. They had no model of behavior for the buggers and no methods of ever actually looking at them. But eventually the science world came around, and by 1969, Zweig's rival was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work. As for Zweig ...
Being blackballed by a major university and accusations of being a "charlatan."
It wasn't until the 1970s that anyone could actually prove the existence of quarks, and by that time, the Nobel Prize committee felt it had already given the little particles enough attention, so it was reluctant to revisit the subject. Nevertheless, in 1977, Zweig and his rival were both nominated, but neither won. Zweig ended up changing his field of study to neurobiology, presumably believing that if he made a seminal contribution to every area of science, he'd eventually get credit for something.
Sadly, they don't give a Nobel Prize for smoldering looks.
Albert Einstein
Trying to convince you that Albert Einstein was rejected in any way during his lifetime let alone a moron is a hard sell, One that it turned out wasn't a mistake at all.
Einstein believed the universe had to be static, or else the forces of gravity would cause the whole universe to contract onto itself, which it apparently wasn't doing. So, to make up for this weird conundrum, he invented something called the cosmological constant, an unknown, unchanging force that allowed him to have his cake (General Theory of Relativity) and eat it, too (stand by a static-universe model).
"Yeah, just throw an X in there, then integrate how little I give a shit."
But not too long after Einstein came up with the cosmological constant, Edwin Hubble burst his little unmoving universe bubble by finding evidence that the whole shebang was expanding. Einstein called the cosmological constant his "biggest blunder" and went to his grave thinking he was an idiot for having proposed it. And so did everyone else. For a while.
Ludwig Boltzmann
Ludwig Boltzmann had the unfortunate luck of being born with a genius brain at the wrong time. Back in the 19th century, there was a huge debate over the nature of matter. Boltzmann not only had the audacity to presuppose the existence of atoms at a time when the atomic model was still controversial among scientists, but also built every one of his brilliant theories as if there was no debate at all.
For one, he pioneered the study of statistical thermodynamics, which is a field of physics that provides a framework for predicting how a large number of particles will behave in a system. Boltzmann was the guy who tried to figure out what the crap was going on in those logs on a molecular level that allowed the fire to kindle, and he used fancy math formulas to figure it out. His work ultimately paved the way for the field of quantum mechanics, which eventually paved the way for the greatest time travel show ever.
Death. He got death.
Back then, defending the existence of atoms was akin to defending creationist version of the origins of man today. Boltzmann wasn't just forced to defend something that would be accepted as fact within a few years, he was shamed for his stubborn refusal to yield and for his so-called materialist beliefs. Even colleagues who originally agreed with him began to question atoms' existence when his work seemingly undermined previously understood laws of physics.
The emotional burden of being the only right guy in the world, coupled with what was probably undiagnosed bipolar disorder, proved too much for Boltzmann to handle, and he hung himself in 1906, only three years before another scientist proved the undeniable existence of atoms. Nice job, science.
Michael Faraday
in the late 1700s and received little formal education. He educated himself. He later became an assistant to Humphry Davy, the famous English chemist. He was treated like a servant,. He went on to become the world’s foremost authority on electromagnetism, discovering diamagnetism, electrolysis, and electromagnetic induction. His work established the basis for magnetic fields and led pretty much directly to the electric motor. Without Faraday, it’s quite possible that electrically powered technology might not exist. he also discovered benzene and helped revolutionize the experimental study of science, which had previously been a more “philosophical” field of study.
Gregor Mendel
Mendel is famous for discovering the laws of inheritance and helping found the discipline of genetics. spent most of his life in a Czech abbey as an Augustinian priest. It was here that he conducted his famous experiments with pea plants and discovered the dominant and recessive qualities of genes.
Thomas Edison
the man was not an educated or trained scientist. Edison got his start as an inventor and scientist by creating and improving devices for the telegraph. he gained his everlasting fame by inventing the phonograph and light bulb
Robert Evans
An image of the Kepler supernova
hold the all-time record for individual visual discoveries of supernovae. Evans generally uses his own amateur’s 12 inch telescope, while other scientists have massive automatic professional devices, and his record of 40 discovered supernovae becomes even more impressive. He’s not only discovered supernovae, he’s added to our knowledge of them. In 1983 Evans discovered a previously unknown type of supernova called a type 1C. … inventors/ … y-science/